0.1.4 Release

Ok this is pretty big update considering I haven’t updated the game in 2 weeks just spent 5 hours~ programming 90% of this update from random inspiration so yayyy I’m losing it slowly exams don’t matter

Full Changelog (I’m not including balance changes I cba):

  • Cursor disappears when not needed
  • Added 1.5x modifier (dmc turbo)
  • BIG PERFORMANCE BUFF + 1billion fps
  • Added some sprites to things that had placeholders
  • Added money tripler modifier
  • Tweaked cooldowns on abilities to make the game more fun
  • Added new gamemode, Open World, pretty cool go check it out
  • Added more bgs for main menu
  • Bomb and probably EMP shoot in aiming direction
  • Health warning appears when health is low
  • Bomb and EMP probably explode when they hit an enemy
  • Fixed like all the bugs
  • Made bosses drop significant amounts of gold now instead of measly 5
  • Added a bunch of visual effects for dopamine addiction


0.1.4.zip 34 MB
12 days ago
0.1.4 OSX.app.zip 29 MB
12 days ago

Get Bullet Hell

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