This is an update for all the stuff I’ve slowly been working on since 0.1.43… Changelog: Bullet bounces should be more accurate, still not perfect I know, b...
Haven’t spent much time on this game recently, just had some ideas and thought they’d make cool additions so here I am Added rotating lasers modifier Added...
Bumped Unity Version to latest Fixes to people with no save files/deleting save file Sets default fps to something bearable Player started off with no augment o...
Bumping project up to unity6, might be some small performance increase due to this, no clue though. Changes: Changed bouncing bullets lifetime from 10 seconds t...
This is a cool update it brings full controller support to the whole game UI and everything!! some balance changes which you’ll have to find cuz I cba writing...
Ok this is pretty big update considering I haven’t updated the game in 2 weeks just spent 5 hours~ programming 90% of this update from random inspiration so y...